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22nd October 2024 

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy is an extremely gentle way of working with the body using a light touch. I will sensitively tune in to your body's natural rhythms so that healing may be encouraged. My hands and perception become a way of listening to you, in a similar way that I will listen to you if you were talking in a psychotherapy session and I was listening to your words and emotions.
Clients will often feel deeply held and heard, able to relax and allow the body's natural healing mechanisms to occur.

Because it is so gentle and non-invasive, Craniosacral Therapy is supportive for all - from newborn babies to the frail and elderly. If you are in acute or chronic pain and disease, Craniosacral Therapy can be a place to restore capacity for health and well being, as the body releases tension and patterns of holding, so that you are able to access more of your innate life energy.This therapy can be deeply healing and is a gentle non invasive "hands on" therapy.

You will usually lay on the treatment table and I will place my hands softly at different parts of your body, such as under your head, at your feet, shoulders or at the base of your spine. I will then be still whilst tuning into the most subtle movements of your body's expression of life force. I feel any tensions that are in your system - at the level of fluid, muscle, membranes or even within your bone, and areas of congestion, dullness, compression or restriction.

Whilst I am with you quietly, you may begin to experience a feeling of relaxation, changes in heat, tingling, and a sense of 'dropping' some of the holding in your body. You may connect with emotional feelings. There is space for you to share your experiences as they arise. I will not be imposing anything on you and we will work at your rhythm. This for me is an essential ingredient of the work - understanding and trusting your pace of integrating the change - your body has an innate intelligence that will guide us. The work is profound and deep, and it may take several sessions for you to notice any benefits, or maybe you will be aware of shifts in your energy or discomfort/pain levels after a first treatment.

Craniosacral Therapy is based on an understanding of physiological principles in the body, including knowledge of embryological development. All the cells in the body move in a certain rhythm, which is called craniosacral motion. At the base of the spine, deep within the cerebrospinal fluid, the craniosacral motion is expressed by an ebb and flow like rhythm. Muscles, bones and tissues also have ways of expressing the flow. This motion is more subtle than the heartbeat or breathing cycles and is barely perceptible, but it can be felt by sensitively trained hands.

The craniosacral motion may be adversely affected by life trauma, stresses, strains or tensions which restrict the body's functioning over time. Sometimes when the trauma is intense or involves an unresolved emotional aspect, the tissues stay in a state of contraction and this leads to chronic holding patterns in the body which I will be able to sense by tuning into how the craniosacral motion is being communicated. By bringing my attention to these areas I am offering an invitation to your system to do likewise, this will then amplify your innate capacity for healing. This all happens for you at a deeply unconscious level and is like a dialogue between your system and mine.

One of the most noticeable aspects of craniosacral therapy is how by freeing up the energy that was being used to hold in place contractions, you will feel you have more energy available and will often experience a sense of restored vitality.

Craniosacral therapy can be helpful for various conditions including:

Headaches and Migraines
Chronic Fatigue
Digestive Problems such as IBS
Fear and Anxiety and other stress related conditions
Breathing Problems
Birth Trauma